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Learn step by step how to create beautiful digital drawings with a graphics tablet (including dragons, elves and space marines ;)
Drawing Tablet, Charcoal, Oil Paint or an Airbrush?
¿Would you like to create awesome digital drawings and paintings?
► Drawing Tablets: how to choose one, and how to use it like a Pro
► Digital Painting Software (Photoshop, Clip Studio Paint, ProCreate and may more)
► Tutorials, online courses, tips and tricks to help you learn digital art faster
Tip: It's Not necessary to choose only one. The best artists master more than one path.
The good news is that the 3 paths (Digital Art, Traditional Drawing and Painting, as well as Airbrushing Techniques) are closely related. The skills you learn on any of them are transferable to the other disciplines.
What if you were told that the more you draw with charcoal the better will your digital drawings become? Would you believe it? Well you should.
What if on top of that someone told you that you can apply many of the techniques used in traditional airbrushing to digital painting and vice-versa?
Do you want to draw dragons, elves and Sci-Fi worlds on your computer using digital painting software?
Do you want to be able to draw realistic human figures, animals and landscapes or learn oil painting?
Looking for info on airbrushing tips, techniques and tools?
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